Photo Gate Logger Sensor

This sensor can be used to study various kinds of motion.

  • $ 194.40
  • Part no. NUL-209
Date of update: 27-02-2023

This sensor can be used to study various kinds of motion. With six modes of operation, time, velocity or acceleration can be measured with one or two photo gates and associated timing cards, as well as showing pictorially the status (digital 1 or 0) of the voltage output of the photo gate as timing cards pass through it.

The modes of operation are selected by clicking a button on the software screen.The measured values can be displayed in large numbers or in a table.

The sensor’s six modes of operation are described in the following picture:

  1. Velocity with a single gate
  2. Acceleration with a single gate
  3. Acceleration with two gates
  4. Velocity and Momentum with two gates
  5. Delta between two gates
  6. Velocities with a timing card